Sunday, January 13, 2013

Scrub a dub dub. There's no duck in my tub!!!

So, after tearing Tim's room apart numerous times, my room apart before I left to go to Tim's house, and rummaging through my truck two separate times. I finally managed to catch my ever so elusive algebra book. Which it seems loves to hide under clothes baskets with suitcases stacked on top. I swear the thing grows legs when I leave the room

In other news we finally finished up the house at Tim's in time for the guardian ad litem to come and asses the living arrangements for munchkin. I'm sure thry will find nothing at fault. He's a wonderful dad. My own Tim is living proof of that. And td didn't dote on him nearly as much ad he does on our munch. Anyway after scrubbing siding, mopping floors, souring doorways and baseboards that house is nice and shiny like a new lemon scented penny. Lets hope it stays that way!

Tomorrow I'm supposed to go to a doctors appointment with gomi. Then possibly do some shopping but hopefully this doctor can tell her why she's itching so bad. She's almost worse that scarlet. Hopefully it's not shingles like she thinks.

I guess I should head to bed if I'm expected to be worth anything tomorrow. Goodnight cyberspace.


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